If you are a LightSpeed Retail user, you may be looking for an integrated loyalty solution to launch a loyalty program of your own. Loyal2 provides a complete loyalty solution for card-based, stamp-and-collect, semi-virtual and fully online loyalty programs - and best of all, we are fully integrated with LightSpeed Retail version.
Follow these 5 easy steps to get your ePOS connected to Loyal2, and start by signing up today!

Lightspeed Setup Options:

- Authorizing the App Installation with Lightspeed:
Authorization with Lightspeed is a simple process - simply click the 'Install App' button - you will be taken to the Lightspeed site and may need to log in - after which you will be presented with the authorization button. Click this to install the App.
You can also remove and re-install the App at any stage if you need to refresh your connection between the two systems.

- Sending Voucher Values Back To Lightspeed as Customer Credit:
If you want your Vouchers sent back to LightSpeed automatically each time they are generated - we have the option to load the voucher 'value' onto the Customer Account as a 'credit value'. In order for this to work you need to enable the setting titled 'Send Loyal2 Voucher Codes automatically to Lightspeed as Customer Credit' and the Voucher itself needs to have a positive numeric amount in the 'value' field.
- Sending Loyal2 Member Code back to Lighspeed Customer Account:
If this setting is switched on we will send the Loyal2 Member Code back to your Lighspeed database and attach it as a CustomField on the Customer Account (called Loyal2Code). PLEASE NOTE: You need to manually create this CustomField in your Lightspeed account (once only) - make sure to call it 'Loyal2Code' and set it as a text field.
- Using Lightspeed Item CategoryID instead of SKU code:
If this option is selected we will use the Lightspeed Item CategoryID (the number displayed in the URL when editing an Item Category in Lightspeed) instead of the actual item SKU as the 'SKU' field in our transactions table. This allows you to 'group' your items in Loyal2 Transactions under their CategoryID - primarily for simplifying points awards by sku-code.
Setting the default % for points allocation:
The system will start with a default of 10% points allocation for Transactional promotions - this equates to 10 points for every 100c ($1) spent. You can set your own default % by adding a 'blank' (Name and Percent only) Transactional promotion:

Adding special Transactional promotions:
You can then add unlimited special transactional promotions by specifying the other settings (ie in this example a SKU code prefix of APPLE00 means that all SKU's that start with APPLE00 will qualify for 10% - eg APPLE001 and APPLE009 etc.)