Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions here. If you have a question that you cannot see an answer for please contact us and we will gladly assist you.

Signing Up
What limits apply to the free version?
The free version is a fully functioning account for up to 500 members with all features enabled. The only thing you won't be able to do is send email/mobile messages - this will require top-up credits to be added. If you enable any premium features these will function normally for the first 30 days, after which you will be asked to upgrade your account.
Privacy and Data Protection
Will I be bombarded by emails from Loyal2?
No, when you sign up you can opt-into our semi-regular update emails. This is the only communication we send to you manually. You can switch this email subscription on/off in your account.
Will my member data be shown to or shared with anyone?
No, we will never share or transmit your data outside of Loyal2.

Using the Dashboard
How can I show less information on the dashboard to my staff?
Your staff can have 'user accounts' (a premium feature with the Gold Subscription) which will remove advanced dashboard reports and show them simplified data relating to their store/branch if they are linked to one.

Adding Members in the Backoffice
How do I add a new member in the backoffice?
New members can be added by clicking on the button 'Add New Member' at the top of the Loyalty dashboard. You can also add a member via the top menu > Members module .
Do I need to give each member a code/member number?
No, all codes in Loyal2 are auto-generated if left blank.
Do I need to add an email address when adding a member?
No, the only required fields are First name and Last name. However, if there is no email address for the member then they will not get system-generated email notifications about their account so an email address is highly recommended for each member.
Do I need to add a mobile number when adding a member?
No, mobile numbers are only required when sending mobile messages to your members.
What fields are used to identify a unique member?
Members are unique based on their code/member number, email and mobile number. If any of these 3 is matched to a current member during sign-up or manual adding the system will stop the duplicate entry from being added. Similarily any of these 3 fields can be used to lookup members in the system.
Updating Members in the Backoffice
How do I edit/update a member's data?
Either do a 'member account lookup' from the Dashboard and click on 'edit details' or find the member via the top menu > Members > and List or Search for the member you want to edit.
Managing Member Groups/Tiers
How do I add my members to groups or tiers?
In the top menu go to Members > Groups/Tiers. Add the various groups or tiers you want in your program. Now when you add/edit members you will be able to select their group/tier from this list.
Importing/Exporting Member Data
How do I import members into Loyal2?
In the top menu go to Members > Import/Export. Click 'Get Sample CSV' to download a blank import file. Your data must be in this format when uploading via the 'Upload CSV' button.
How do I export my members data fout of Loyal2?
In the top menu go to Members > Import/Export. Click 'Export Data' to download the full list of members to CSV/Excel spreadsheet.

Enabling and Editing Autoresponders
How do I enable/disable autoresponders?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders. Switch 'Turn Autoresponders on?' to 'yes' or 'no' as required.
How do I temporarily disable autoresponders?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders. Switch 'Turn Autoresponders on?' to 'no' for as long as you want autoresponder messages to be disabled. Then switch it back to 'yes' when you want autoresponders to be switched back on.
How do I choose which autoresponder messages must be sent and which must not?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders. Scroll down to the list of autoresponder messages and select 'blank/clear' next to any autoresponder type that you want to disable.
How do I change the message/template sent out with my autoresponders?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders > Manage Templates. Here you can edit the header/footer HTML and images. You can also 'add' new templates.
Autoresponder Credits
Do I need to pay for autoresponders if I am on the free plan?
Yes: autoresponders work off your pay-as-you-go credits account and have nothing to do with your subscription.
Do I need to pay for autoresponders if I am on the Silver of Gold Subscription?
Yes: autoresponders work off your pay-as-you-go credits account and have nothing to do with your subscription.
Tracking Autoresponders
Where can I see copies of the messages sent by the autoresponders?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders > Communication Log.
Mobile Autoresponders
Why can I not send out or see mobile autoresponders?
Mobile autoresponders are only activated for subscribed account holders (Silver or Gold) - and we will assign an outgoing mobile number to your account when you subscribe.
Previewing Autoresponders
How do I preview an autoresponder message?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Autoresponders. Scroll down to the list of autoresponder messages and select the template that you want to preview in the dropdown. On the right is a preview icon.

Setting Up Your Micro-site
How do I view my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site > View micro-site. This will open your micro-site URL in a new window/tab.
How do I change my micro-site URL?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site > Change URL. This will open the branding page. Scroll down to 'Micro-site Web Address' and edit your URL there. When done scroll to the bottom of the page and push 'Save'.
How do I enable/disable my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'allow members online access?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required.
How do I enable/disable members from registering via my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'can members register themselves online?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required.
How do I enable/disable members from updating their details via my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'can members update their profile?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required.
How do I enable/disable members from seeing points statements via my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'can members see detailed points statements?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required.
How do I enable/disable members from selecting vouchers via my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'can members claim vouchers for points?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required. Note: only vouchers marked as 'Available For Self Selection' will be displayed.
How do I enable/disable members from creating gift registries or wish lists via my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Under 'Micro-site Permissions' switch 'can members create wish lists and gift registries?' to 'no' or 'yes' as required.
How do I set the logo for my micro-site header?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site > Your Logo/Program Logo. Click on 'Upload Logo'. This will open the branding page. Use the 'browse' button to select your logo (300px wide and 150px tall). When done scroll to the bottom of the page and push 'Save'.
How do I change font/background colors and images on my micro-site?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site > Micro-site Design. Select any colors you wish and either use our standard background images or upload one of your own.
Member Micro-site Access
How do my members access my micro-site?
You will need to provide your members with your micro-site URL - to get this go to the dashboard click on Toolbox > Your Micro-site. Your members will need to enter this URL or click on a link off your website or an email in order to access your micro-site.
How do my members get passwords to log into my micro-site?
On your micro-site home page your members can enter their email address or member-code/number. If their account does not have a password set the system will automatically notify them on the next page and email them a link to set a password for access to your micro-site.
How do my members reset their passwords if they have forgotten them?
On your micro-site home page your members can enter their email address or member-code/number and click on the Reset Password button. This will email them a password reset link.
How do my members sign-up to my program via my micro-site?
On your micro-site home page there is a Register button that will lead new members to a sign-up form which they can use to sign up to your program.

Setting Up QuickScan
How do I enable the QuickScan feature?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > QuickScan, Tags and Barcodes. Under QuickScan Feature enter a password which will be used by your staff/team to access the feature and click the 'Update Password' button.
How do I set the number of points to award when a QuickScan is processed for a member?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > QuickScan, Tags and Barcodes. Under QuickScan Settings enter the 'no. of points to award per QuickScan'. If you want the staff/team member to have more then one amount of points to choose from then separate the amounts with commas.
How do I limit the number of times a member's account can have QuickScan points applied to it each day?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > QuickScan, Tags and Barcodes. Under QuickScan Settings enter the 'no. of QuickScans allowed /member/day'.
How to I enable/disable my staff/team from access all the vouchers available for a member?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > QuickScan, Tags and Barcodes. Under QuickScan Settings setect 'yes' or 'no' for 'Allow operator to list member vouchers?'.
Accessing QuickScan
How do I access the QuickScan feature?
On the dashboard click on Toolbox > QuickScan, Tags and Barcodes. Click on the URL listed as 'Your QuickScan URL is' - this is the URL you can provide to your staff/team when they need to access QuickScan each day.